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Rita’s book, From Frantic to Fabulous in Forty Days,
soon to be released.
From Frantic to Fabulous in Forty Days by Rita Perea




“Today, people are seeing themselves in a new light in relation to their work, expressing higher expectations for achieving connection, fulfillment and success.  At the same time, the workplace is constantly evolving, creating a need for new approaches and stratagies to create environments in which people work more effectively together to achieve lasting results.  In short, both as individuals and teams, we seek to be fully alive in our work- finding personal meaning and creating stellar growth for our organizations.”

Awakening vol 3
Price: $23.99





Check Rita’s Resources for a number of recommended titles in the areas of Work-Life Balance, Innovation, Change, Business, Leadership, and Management. Note: Link opens new window.

Rita's Resources

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