
January is known for a lot of things- New Year’s resolutions, cold weather, new exercise and diet programs.  But did you also know that January is also "Reach Your Potential" Month?  Since I am in the business of helping people find and reach their true potential, both personally and professionally, I love having a special month as a reminder to do this.  How cool is that?

What is "potential" anyway?  It is "the inherent capacity for coming into being".  I love that.  Take a minute and reflect on the resolutions and intentions that you have set for this new year.  What are you deliberately creating in your life so that you are living your capacity to come into being each and everyday? 

The name of the game in reaching your true potential is living deliberately every second of every day.  Choosing what you believe, feel and, thus, experience. 

I think that this quote by Alan Loy McGinnis says it very eloquently: "Focus on your potential instead of your limitations." 

What do you need to focus on today, this month and this year to move closer to reaching your potential?  Figuring it out is the key to living a healthy, happy life.

No Responses to “Reach!”

  1. Another great post Rita! Focusing on potential is key. I think there are too many times wehn many of us (myself included) take the perfectionist attitude of how can we improve….what can we fix….instead of focusing on what’s right.
    That’s why I love the StrengthsFinder test that Tom Rath and Don Clifton created. It forces us to focus on our strengths!!

  2. Robyn says:

    Rita, I sense you are a person who lives your advice. I like your notion of living your potential. How are you doing that differently in 2008 yourself?

  3. Rita Perea says:

    Thanks for your comment, Eric. I also like and use the StrengthsFinder with some of my clients. It is an awesome tool. I firmly believe that it is one thing to be aware of your strengths and another thing to create an action plan and then take action in a focused way. You need both pieces to reach your goals, and your potential.
    Thanks, again.

  4. Rita Perea says:

    Hi Robyn,
    Thanks for the comment and the question. I am a big fan of Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen. I have integrated all of my paper and electronic systems to focus on my 5 goal areas. I also make the time for my spiritual practices each day so that I stay clear and focused on what is truly important in reaching my potential.
    Thanks for asking, Robyn.
    – Rita

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