Revving Your Engine to Reach Your Goals

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” ~Lao Tzu~

You know that you’re ready for change. You want it! You need it! You are revving your engines to move full-speed ahead. But… you aren’t quite sure how to determine your destination, map out your journey, and keep the gas flowing in your engines to get you where you want to go. So you just putter along. Or, like a car with a flat tire, you get stuck on the side of the road.
I have some great news to share! You can turn to a professional coach (like me), to help you get the clarity and confidence that you need to move forward.

A professional coach is a personal cheerleader and project manager all rolled into one. When you arrive at their office, they will help you determine what you want to achieve, map out a personal path to success, and then cheer you all the way across the finish line.

You are not alone!
You have support!
Your coach believes that you can do it and helps you make it happen!

Hiring a coach is an important investment in your personal and professional growth. But how do you ensure that you are making a wise investment and hiring the very best coach who has your best interest at the heart of the engagement?

Stay tuned to this series of posts to help you get the information that you need to find the perfect coach.

© Rita M. Perea, Leadership Expert and Success Consultant, 2012

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