Posts Tagged ‘vision’

Do you build your castle first or last?

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

“Walt Disney told his crew to ‘build the castle first’ when constructing Disney World, knowing that vision would continue to serve as motivation throughout the project. Oftentimes when people fail to achieve what they want in life, it’s because their vision isn’t strong enough.”
– Gail Blanke

How strong is your vision?

Monday, December 1st, 2014

“Walt Disney told his crew to ‘build the castle first’ when constructing Disney World, knowing that vision would continue to serve as motivation throughout the project. Oftentimes when people fail to achieve what they want in life, it’s because their vision isn’t strong enough.” – Gail Blanke

Determination will never lead to failure.

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

“We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist.”
– Queen Victoria

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Selling and Surviving During an Economic Downturn

For some business owners, sales can be a challenge during the best of times, but in Q2 of 2021, serving up products and services for …

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