Posts Tagged ‘Energy Management’

Work-Life Balance

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

“Many people whose lives are not frantic suffer from ‘stress envy’. They’ve accepted a new definition of the good life: It’s not the quality of life, it’s the quantity. Success is measured by how much you can fit in.”

-Martin Hayward

Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel?  Running fast but getting nowhere?  Do you fall into bed exhausted each night feeling like you haven’t even touched your “to do” list?

Well, you aren’t alone!  In a recent survey, SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Managers, found that 89% of 1043 Americans polled believed that Work/Life Balance is a problem in the U.S.  54% called it a “significant” problem.

Additional findings show that because of the recent economic conditions, some people are experiencing increased demands in their jobs.  This has led to a loss in time with their families and a downturn in personal time.

People are being asked to do more with less and the strain is clearly showing.  Success in life is all about quality, not about the amount of “stuff” you own or the number of appointments you can fit into a 24 hour time slot.

What can you do if you are feeling overwhelmed and over worked?  The Four Keys that I use with my Executive Coaching clients are:

1.   Reflect-  This seems like counter-intuitive advice but it really works.  Take just a little bit of time off.  Get away and with your computer or journal in hand, spend some quality down time reflecting on what is REALLY important in your life.

2.  Plan-  Make a plan to get more of what is important in your life.  Choose the area that is the most “out of whack” first and identify the 3 first steps you will take to get it back in shape.

3.  Act-  Do it!  Act on the plan!  You will feel so empowered to take that first step.

4.  Reflect again… what are the next 3 steps that you want to take to get things back in balance?  Revise your plan to accomplish those next steps to success.  This starts the process all over again.

I always say, “Plan the Work and Work the Plan!”  You will be glad that you did.

Of course, you might explore hiring a professional business coach to assist you with getting your frantic life back into balance again. I know where you can find one!

Opportunity and Success

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

“Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.”- Edward Young


From Procrastination to Productivity

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

“ Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday ” – Napolean Hill, American Author

One bad habit prevents becoming a success more than all of the other harmful habits combined: Procrastination.

Procrastination is simply putting really important things off, telling yourself that you will do it later or tomorrow. But the problem is that often “tomorrow” never happens.

Success comes from doing the really important things that are critical to obtaining results. We rarely procrastinate about the unimportant things!

We all suffer from procrastination at one time or another. We all get sucked into doing low priority tasks (like answering email or rearranging our desk) when we should be focusing our time on more important projects (like the budget forcast report for the department that you manage).

We engage in this bad habit when: (1) things are difficult; (2) the task involves things that are unpleasant; or (3) the task can lead to making a tough decision. Rather than stretch and grow, we hide our head in the sand and retreat to something easier, more fun, or mindless.

But, the original problem remains and NOW MAY BE BIGGER because we did not take care of it when we had the prime opportunity. Procrastination creates a vicious cycle of events and often leads to more procrastination.

What’s a good, well-intentioned executive to do?

Steps you can take to tame the procrastination monster:

(1) Admit when you are procrastinating.
(2) Determine why you are procrastinating (Does it involve an complex task? Does it feel overwhelming?)
(3) Do a “micro-action”- a baby step to get you moving in the direction of completing the task. Do you procrasitnate about exercising? Put your exercise clothes next to your bed (fireman style) so you can get up and jump into them in the morning.
(4) Do a small portion of the task (a chunk) that will get you moving in the right direction.
(5) Once you get moving- keep moving!
(6) Reward yourself for a job well done. You deserve it!

Procrastination is really a bad habit that we want to change. Make a commitment to take action for 21 days, the length of time it takes to create your new habit- moving forward. Your stress levels will decrease. You will be focused and clear-thinking because you have minimized your distractions.

There now, aren’t you glad that you took that first step toward productivity!

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